Indian Railways has declared the exam dates for Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician recruitment. Respective railway recruitment boards (RRBs) will release the admit cards next week. The first stage of the computer based test (CBT) will begin on August 9, 2018 for the posts advertised under CEN 01/ 2018. The mock link for the CBT will be available tomorrow (July 26, 2018). The RRBs will also intimate candidates about exam details like city, date and session on July 26. Registered candidates can find the details online.
Indian Railways Announces Exam Date For ALP, Technician Posts
The CBT will be of 60 minutes and will carry a total of 75 questions. The questions will be from Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Science, and General awareness on current affairs.
Advertised in February, this recruitment drive was open for candidates who have passed class 10th and ITI or diploma in engineering or a graduation in engineering. Two separate notifications, CEN 01/2018 and CEN 02/2018, were released by the RRBs for recruitment to 90,000 Assistant Loco Pilot, Technician and Group D posts.
As per the latest data given by the Ministry of Railways, for a single seat, one candidate shall have to compete with 279 other candidates. More than 25 million people have applied for the posts.