'Due to incorrect bank account details, refund transaction has failed,' said an official statement from the railways on exam fee refund. Candidates who have appeared for the railway exam for assistant loco pilot and technician recruitment, will receive a refund on the exam fees deposited by them during registration process. While candidates belonging to reserved categories will receive a total refund, those belonging to general category will receive a part of it.
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This decision came after candidates opposed to an abrupt hike in the fees soon after the recruitment notification, CEN 01/2018, was released in February. To facilitate easy and immediate refund, the recruitment boards of the railways (RRBs) had asked candidates to fill their bank details in the application form.
However, ' the refund has failed due to incorrect Bank details furnished by them such as wrong account number, wrong IFSC Code of the Bank Branch, filling up customer ID in place of account number etc.' the official statement added further.
So, the boards have given one more chance to such candidates. A bank account rectification link will be activated on the RRB websites from December 18 to December 25, where candidates can furnish correct details of the bank accounts they possess.
RRBs will intimate the concerned candidates through SMS on December 17.
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