Answer keys for RRB group D exam will be released on January 11. "The official answer key will be released on January 11,' said Angaraj Mohan, Executive Director, Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) to NDTV. " Candidates will be allowed 7 days to raise objections and submit representations," he further added. "The results can be expected by the last week of January," he had told earlier. The RRB Group answer keys will be released on the official websites of various regional RRBs.
RRB Group D Answer Key This Week; Here Are The Direct Links
Candidates can download the provisional answer keys from the official website of the railway recruitment boards. Candidates shall have to login using the application sequence number. This specific number was sent by RRBs to the candidates at the time of registration on the phone number and email id. The status of the question, marked or unmarked, will be visible on the portal.
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While submitting their objections, candidates should explain their challenge properly. Objections without proper explanation or reference will be discarded by the RRBs.
The computer based test for railway group D posts was conducted in September-December 2018. Every day 3 to 4 lakh candidates took the exam. 60% of the candidates, who had applied for the exam, appeared for it. In the group C exam, Indian Railways had recorded the highest 76% attendance.
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