Railway Recruitment Board or RRB of the Indian Railways will release the answer key of Group D exams in January first week. RRB official Angaraj Mohan confirmed to NDTV that the results are also expected in the month of January next year. Meanwhile, the Indian Railways has achieved a milestone of holding examination for over one crore candidates for recruitment to Level-1 or Group D posts.
"We are planning to release the answer keys in January first week. The results of this examination is expected by the last week of same month," the official told NDTV.
The RRB Group answer keys will be released on the official websites of various regional RRBs.
Last week, the Boards, which are the official hiring agencies of India's largest employer, have released the revised RRB ALP results.
According to the Indian Railways, in all, 1.89 crore candidates registered for this examination to compete for recruitment against 62,907 vacancies of Group D posts.
The RRB Group D admit cards for the Computer-Based Tests were made available on the official websites of the concerned Boards four days prior to the examination.
The examination was held in over 400 centres, according to a statement from the Indian Railways earlier.
Each day 3 to 4 lakh candidates appeared at the examination and the attendance has been over 60%, added the statement. The RRB Group D exams started in September 17, 2018 and completed in December, 2018.
Elaborate arrangements have been made by Indian Railways for this unprecedented scale of examinations.
The examination was online and each center was equipped with modern electronic devices so as to be as candidate friendly as possible.
"To ensure free and fair examination CCTV cameras have been installed in the examination halls. Apart from trained invigilators flying squads have been deputed to visit centers so that there is no unfair means adopted by any candidate," the Railways said in another statement.
To help candidates reach the test centers, Google link map has been provided on the admit card.
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