RRB Group D Exam 2018: For RRB Group D first stage CBT candidates must carry photo ID proof with them along with the printout of the hall ticket. The e-call letter of candidates will be available 4 days before the exam date. For those candidates who have opted scribe facility separate admit cards will be released for them. Candidates must ensure they have good internet connection and are able to access their online mail and phone message inbox on a daily basis. RRBs will send updates on the exam and the admit card via messages or emails. RRB Group D Admit Card Available Now, Here's How To Download
List of Photo ID Proof
Candidates appearing for the RRB Group D exam are required to bring a photo identity proof along with their admit card downloaded from the official website. Here's a list of photo identity proof you can carry along with RRB Group D admit card to your exam centre.

Aadhaar card can be used as a photo identity proof for RRB Group D Exam
- Voter Card
- Aadhaar Card
- Printout of e-Aadhaar
- Driving License
- PAN card
- Passport
- Identity card issued by the employer only if the candidate is a government employee
- Valid Photo ID cards issued by school/ college/ University
Except the e-Aadhaar printout, candidates who are carrying other photo ID proofs with them should carry them in original. Candidates without the original copy of the ID proof will not be allowed to appear for the exam.
RRB Group D Admit Card Update
As of now the admit cards are available for those candidates who have their exam scheduled within October 16, for other candidates the admit cards will be available on or after October 5. So far, no date has been confirmed in this regard. RRB Group D exam will continue till December. Unlike the other ongoing recruitment process of railways, this exam has only one written exam after which candidates will go through physical efficiency test and document verification process. RRB Group D Exam: Important Update On RRB Admit Card, Exam Date, Shift And City Details
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