Have you forgotten your registration details of RRB Group D exam? There is a chance that applicants may have misplaced or forgotten the registration details of the exam which they have procured months ago. To help such candidates, the Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) have now activated a link to regain their login details. A new window or a link has been provided on the official website of various RRBs like Ahmedabad, Ajmer, Allahabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Guwahati, Jammu, Kolkata, Mumbai, Patna, Ranchi, Secunderabad and Thiruvananthapuram. The registration details are not only necessary for the CBT or Computer Based Test, but also, needed for all the other requirements during the recruitment process.
How to access the RRB Group D Mock Test: Check Here
The RRB Group D exam is set to begin from September 17 for a section of candidates whose exam details have been released recently. The Board will be uploading the examination details like City, Exam Centre, Shift and Date on September 13. The admit cards for the candidates whose examination is fixed on September 17 will be released on September 13.
RRB Group D Exam: How to recover your registration ID

Have You Forgotten Your RRB Registration ID? Use This Facility To Login
Follow these steps to recover your RRB Group D exam registration ID:
Step 1: Go the respective RRB Website (Click here for the official links of RRBs)
Step 2: Click on the links like "Forgot Registration ?" "Forgot registration number? Click here to retrieve the registration number" "Click here - Forgot Registration ID (Level - I posts) "
Step 3: Input your email id and date of birth
Step 4: From there on, follow the details given on the website
RRB Regional Centres India and Their Websites
Go to these links for accessing the RRB websites:
RRB Ahmedabad, RRB Ajmer, RRB Allahabad, RRB Bangalore, RRB Bhopal, RRB Bhubaneshwar, RRB Bilaspur, RRB Chandigarh, RRB Chennai, RRB Gorakhpur, RRB Guwahati, RRB Jammu, RRB Kolkata, RRB Malda, RRB Mumbai, RRB Muzaffarpur, RRB Patna, RRB Ranchi, RRB Secunderabad, RRB Siliguri, RRB Thiruvananthapuram
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