For RRB group D exam, mock test link is available. The group D admit cards will be released by RRBs tomorrow. RRBs have released the exam details for Group D exam. As of now, RRBs have released group d exam date, centre and shift details of those candidates whose exams are scheduled to be held on September 17 to October 16, 2018. For other candidates, the group D exam details will be released on September 13. RRBs, the official recruitment agency of Indian Railways, have activated a link on their official websites to access the the exam city and date information of RRB Group D exam yesterday.
RRB Group D Exam Mock Test: Important Guidelines To Use The Facility
RRB Group D Mock Test Link: List Of Official Railway Recruitment Board Websites
- RRB Ahmedabad
- RRB Ajmer
- RRB Allahabad
- RRB Bangalore
- RRB Bhopal
- RRB Bhubaneshwar
- RRB Bilaspur
- RRB Chandigarh
- RRB Chennai
- RRB Gorakhpur
- RRB Guwahati
- RRB Jammu
- RRB Kolkata
- RRB Malda
- RRB Mumbai
- RRB Muzaffarpur
- RRB Patna
- RRB Ranchi
- RRB Secunderabad
- RRB Siliguri
- RRB Thiruvananthapuram
In order to access the RRB group D mock test link candidates shall have to login using their CEN 02/ 2018 registration details. Railway group D first stage CBT will be 90 minutes. There will be 100 questions from Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Science and General awareness and Current Affairs.
RRB Group D Exam Date Declared: What's Next?
For the first day of CBT, the group D admit cards will be released on September 13. The group D exam will begin on September 17. RRBs will also release the train travel authority for SC/ ST categories today. Concerned candidates can download the same today from the official websites of RRBs. The online mock test will be a practice test for Railway group D aspirants. The mock trial will help the applicants to make them accustomed with Computer Based Test (CBT) process of the exam.
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