Indian Railways has released the RRB Group D result yesterday and now its over to Railway Recruitment Cells (RRCs) for conducting the further procedures of the recruitment. According to a notification which accompanied the RRB Group D result, the Ministry of Railways decided that the conduct of Physical Efficiency Test or PET, Document Verification, Medical Examination and publication of panel for level 1 or Group D posts will now be carried out by the RRCs of the respective Zonal Railways (Names of RRCs and websites given in this story. Read on).
According to the Indian Railway, the PET schedule for the provisionally shortlisted candidates will be published on the official websites of RRCs by the Chairpersons of RRCs.
"Further, SMS / Email will also be sent to the registered mobile number and email of the shortlisted candidates to download their e-call letter for PET. The PET is likely to start during the 3rd/4th week of March 2019," the RRB Group D result statement said.
RRB Group D Result: List of RRCs to check your PET details
The shortlisted candidates are advised to regularly visit the official websites of RRCs for the updates.
(In the order of: Serial number, name of the RRB, name of the corresponding RRC, Location and RRC website address)
1. RRB Ahmedabad, Western Railway, Mumbai,
2. RRB Ajmer, North Western Railway, Jaipur,
3. RRB Allahabad, North Central Railway, Allahabad,
4. RRB Bangalore, South Western Railway, Hubli,
5. RRB Bhopal, West Central Railway, Jabalpur,
6. RRB Bhubaneswar, East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar,
7. RRB Bilaspur, South East Central Railway, Bilaspur,
8. RRB Chandigarh, Northern Railway, New Delhi,
9. RRB Chennai, Southern Railway, Chennai,
10. RRB Gorakhpur, North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur,
11. RRB Guwahati, Northeast Frontier Railway, Guwahati,
12. RRB Kolkata, Eastern Railway, Kolkata,
13. RRB Mumbai, Central Railway, Mumbai,
14. RRB Patna, East Central Railway, Patna,
15. RRB Ranchi, South Eastern Railway, Kolkata,
16. RRB Secunderabad, South Central Railway, Secunderabad,
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