RRB Group D result 2019: The Railway Recruitment Board or RRB of Indian Railways will release the RRB Group D exam results in mid-February, an official told NDTV. The RRBs conducted the Group D exams for more than 60,000 vacancies in country's largest employer from September to December last year. As a precondition to the RRB Group D result announcement, the regional Boards released the answer keys of various sessions of the exam recently and the candidates were given chance to raise objections towards the preliminary keys released in the second week of this month.
This recruitment is part of a mammoth recruitment process to fill more than 3 lakh vacancies in the national transporter. Last week, the Railway ministry announced that more notification for 2.3 lakh vacancies in the Indian Railways will be released in phased manner. According to the Ministry, the first phase of recruitment of 1,31,328 posts will be initiated in the month of February-March, 2019.
"We are preparing to release the RRB Group D results in mid-February. We have not fixed any dates for the result' declaration," the official said about the results of the exam in which more than 1 crore candidates appeared.
The official also said the RRB ALP stage 2 answer keys will also be released in the same period.
"The Boards have to organise reexaminations for candidates in some regions where they missed the exams due to natural calamities and also by other reasons. After concluding the exams, we will release the answer keys by mid-February," he added.
The RRB Group D result will be announced on the official websites along with the final answer keys.
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