The Indian Railways has released the answer keys for the RRB NTPC recruitment examination on Monday. The Railway Recruitment Board or RRB, one of the hiring arm of country's largest public sector recruiter, has released the answer keys for the non-technical popular categories or NTPC first tier examinations which were held from December 2020 to July 2021. The RRB NTPC answer key and challenge links are available on the official websites of the Boards. The RRBs will allow the viewing of the RRB NTPC question paper, responses and answer keys from August 16, 2021 to August 23.
Candidates will be allowed to raise their objections against the questions, options and keys from August 18, 2021 to August 23.
The payment window for raising objections on RRB NTPC answer keys will be closed on August 23.
Candidates would need to pay Rs 50 plus applicable bank service charges per question for raising objections.
In case the objection raised is found to be correct, the fee paid by the candidates will be refunded and the refund will be made to the account from where the candidate has made the online payment.
RRB NTPC answer key: Direct link
Download your RRB NTPC answer key from the link given here:
RRB NTPC answer key direct link
The RRBs had recently started the process for updating the bank details of RRB NTPC candidates for refund of examination fees.
According to a notification released by the RRBs, the link for updating the account details of the candidates who had appeared for the NTPC first tier exam was activated from 10.00 am, August 11.
The RRB NTPC examinations were held in 7 phases in 2020 and 2021.
Last phase of the RRB NTPC recruitment examination was delayed due to the restrictions announced after Covid-19 cases spiked in the country.