The RRB NTPC exam has begun today. In the first phase, the exam will be held till January 13. The exam schedule after January 13 will be released later, the railway recruitment boards (RRB) have said.
RRB NTPC exam will be held for selecting candidates to fill 35,208 vacancies. Over 1.26 crore candidates have registered for this exam.
Candidates whose exam has been scheduled in the first phase have been issued admit cards. The admit cards of other exams will be released later.
The RRBs have asked candidates to write a paragraph of self-declaration on the admit card. For this purpose, a blank space will be available in the admit card. "Candidates should leave blank spaces provided in the downloaded e-Call letter for writing self-declaration paragraph (as the paragraph will be displayed on the screen during CBT), signature and Left Thumb Impression (LTI) unfilled while coming for the exam," RRBs have said in the official exam notice.
The RRBs have also asked the candidates to carry COVID-19 self-declaration.
Candidates will be checked for body temperature at the exam centre. Candidates whose body temperature is more than the permitted temperature will not be allowed to sit in the exam. However, for these candidates the exam will be held later, the RRBs have said.
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