Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has not notified dates for Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Tier 1 exam. The exam was supposed to begin on July 25. Candidates who had registered for the exam are eagerly waiting for the exam date and the admit card. Considering the pleas of candidates who couldn't register for the exam, SSC had extended the last date of registration by one day.
SSC CGL 2018 notification release was delayed by a week after the CGL 2017 tier 2 exam fiasco hit the headlines. The notification was supposed to be released on April 21, 2018.
Last year for CGL 2017 tier 1 exam, the admit card was released in July and the exam was held from August 5 to August 24.
The results came on October 30, 2017, in which 150404 candidates qualified. Months later the Commission released a revised merit list in which 39434 more candidates were listed; 'Due to a technical glitch, a few tentative Answer Keys had not been revised. The Commission, therefore, undertook a comprehensive review,' it said in an official notification, then.
Combined Graduate Level exam is the Commission's biggest exam conducted every year witnessing more than 15 lakh registrations every year. The exam is conducted every year to recruit candidates to Assistant Audit Officer, Assistant Accounts Officer, Assistant Section Officer, Assistant/ Superintendent, Inspector of Income Tax, Central Excise Inspector, Preventive Officer, Junior Statistical Officer, Assistant Enforcement Officer, etc. SSC conducts the exam in four phases: two computer based exams, descriptive exam in pen and paper mode and computer proficiency or skill test.
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