Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the scores of candidates who appeared in paper II or tier II of Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam 2018. The Commission had released CHSL Tier II result on February 25, 2020.
Candidates can now check their individual marks by using their registration number and registered password. The link to check scores is available under the Result/marks link on the candidate's dashboard. The facility to check individual scores for SSC CHSL Tier II exam will remain available till April 1, 2020.
Candidates, who have qualified in the Tier II of CHSL, will now appear in Skill Test/Typing Test, which is the Tier III of the CHSL recruitment process.
Based on the cut off set by SSC, 37 candidates qualified for the skill test for the posts of DEO, 1741 candidates qualified for the skill test for the post of DEO in C&AG, and 30,822 candidates qualified for typing test for the posts of Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant, Junior Secretariat Assistant, LDC, etc.
The dates for SSC CHSL Skill Test and Typing Test will be announced later by the Commission. Meanwhile, SSC will conduct CHSL 2019 Tier I exam this month. The Tier I exam will be held between March 16 and March 27, 2020.
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