The SSC CHSL marks will be released today. The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) had released the result of the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam last week. The SSC will release the marks of all the candidates who had appeared for the CHSL exam. The option to check the SSC CHSL marks will be available till February 18.
SSC CHSL Marks (Direct link will be activated after the marks are released)
"Marks of the qualified/non-qualified candidates will be uploaded on the website of the Commission on 19.01.2021. This facility will be available for a period of one month i.e. from 19.01.2021 to 18.02.2021. Candidates may check their individual's marks by using their Registration No. and registered password and click on Result/Marks tab on the candidate dashboard," the SSC has said.
The final answer keys of the exam will be released on January 21 and will be available till February 20.
A total of 44, 856 candidates have qualified the SSC CHSL tier 1 exam and will appear for the tier 2 descriptive paper. Selection to CHSL posts is done through a tier 1 exam which is a computer based test, a tier 2 exam which is a descriptive test and skill tests.
SSC CHSL tier 2 exam will be held on February 14.
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