Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the application status for SSC Junior Engineer (JE) Exam 2018. The Commission had conducted the application process for Junior Engineer recruitment 2018 in February 2019. The application process was completed on February 27, 2019 after which the candidates had been waiting for an update. The Commission has finally released application status for candidates who had successfully applied for the recruitment.
So far only Southern Region has released the application status for SSC JE Exam 2018. Candidates who had applied for the recruitment can check their application status using either their name or application id and date of birth. Rest of the regional SSC offices will also release the application status soon.
SSC JE 2018 Application Status Direct Link
As per the official notification released by SSC for JE Exam 2018, the Paper I which is a computer-based test will be conducted between September 23 and September 27.
The computer-based test (CBT) will be conducted in multiple shifts and hence the marks scored by candidates will be normalized.
The SSC JE Paper 1 will have three sections - General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, and Part-A General Engineering (Civil & Structural) or Part-B General Engineering (Electrical) or Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical). There will be 50 questions in the first two sections and 100 questions in the General engineering section. Candidates would be given a time of 2 hours to complete the paper.
The tentative date for Paper II (Descriptive paper), for candidates who qualify in Paper I, will be conducted in December 2019.
As for the Junior Engineer Exam 2019, the application process is going on. Eligible candidates can apply for the recruitment till September 12, 2019. The last date to pay application online is September 14. The last date to generate offline fee payment challan is also September 14 and last date to submit fee offline is September 16, 2019.
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