Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has already released the admit cards for the Multi-tasking Staff (MTS) exam which will begin on August 2. The SSC MTS admit cards will be available for download till the day of the examination. Candidates can download their admit cards using their roll number or registration number or name. The exam will be conducted in computer-based mode and in multiple shifts. For candidates who are due to appear in the SSC MTS 2019 exam, the commission has released a very important update.
According to a latest update by the Staff Selection Commission, candidates appearing for the SSC MTS exam must bring a photo identity card having the 'Date of Birth' as printed on their SSC MTS admit card.
In case, the photo identity card does not have the Date of Birth then the candidate must carry an additional certificate in proof of their Date of Birth.
"In case of mismatch in the Date of Birth mentioned in the Admission Certificate and photo ID/the certificate brought in support of Date of Birth, the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the examination," the notice reads.
Some valid documents which could be used as a proof of date of birth include aadhaar card, birth certificate, and class 10 certificate/marks sheet.
Candidates are advised to check the instructions printed on the admit card and adhere to the instructions provided.
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