Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will release the official notification for the Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) (Non-Technical) exam on April 22. The exam will be held from August 2 to September 6. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) is a General Central Service Group 'C' Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial post in various Central Government Ministries / Departments / Offices, in different States / Union Territories. Class 10 pass candidates who wish to join the Staff Selection Commission can apply for the recruitment. Online application can be submitted at the official website of the Commission.
Selection to MTS posts will be through two exams. Paper I will be objective in nature. It will have 300 questions to be answered in 2 hours duration. Paper II will be subjective in nature. Candidates will be required to write a short essay or letter. This paper will carry 50 marks. Time duration allotted for paper II is 30 minutes.
On the other hand, online registration for the SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam will close on April 5. Candidates in the age group of 18-27 years who have cleared class 12 exam are eligible for the SSC CHSL exam. However for data entry operator post candidate must have cleared the class 12 exam in science stream with Mathematics as a subject. The CHSL is held for recruitment to the posts of Lower Divisional Clerk/ Junior Secretariat Assistant, Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant and Data Entry Operators for various Ministries/ Departments/ Offices of the Government of India.
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