Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has declared list of 9551 additional candidates who have qualified in the Paper I of MTS Exam 2019 and will appear in the Paper II exam. The Commission had released MTS result on November 5, 2019 in which 1,11,162 candidates were declared as qualified to appear in Paper II exam.
The additional list of candidates has been released after the Commission observed certain discrepancies in the preparation of the result.
The Commission, in its latest notice, has said that in the result published on November 5, Ex-servicemen candidates eligible for reservation were not considered for selection under ex-servicemen category and EWS candidates qualifying at the UR standards have been selected in EWS category whereas they were eligible for selection in UR category.
SSC, in light of the discrepancies observed, has taken corrective action and released list of 9551 additional candidates who are eligible to sit for the Paper II exam for recruitment of Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS).
Candidates can check the list from the Commission's official website or here. SSC has also released updated category-wise and state-wise cut off marks.
SSC MTS 2019 Paper II exam will be held on November 24. Candidates will be given 30 minutes to complete the paper. In paper II, candidate will be required to write a short essay or letter in English or any other language included in the 8th schedule of the constitution.
Paper II is only qualifying in nature and will test a candidate's elementary language skills. However, marks scored by the candidates in Paper II will be used to decide merit in case more than one candidate score equal normalized marks in Paper I.
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