19.18 lakh out of 38.58 lakh registered candidates had appeared for the first stage exam for Multi Tasking Staff recruitment, a General Central Service Group 'C' Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial post. The exam was conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) in 39 shifts from August 2 to August 22. The SSC MTS result will be declared on November 5; 75 days after the exam was held.
Since the exam was conducted in shifts, the SSC would normalize the scores of the candidates to counter the variations in the difficulty level of the question papers across all the shifts. The Commission would release category-wise, state/ union territory-wise cut off score list.
The final merit list would be based on the scores obtained by a candidate in this exam and in the next exam.
The SSC MTS result was initially expected to be announced on October 25. However the result declaration date was postponed the same day.
Likewise, the Commission has also rescheduled the second stage exam date. Candidates who qualify this exam will be eligible to sit for the second stage exam which is scheduled for November 24.
SSC MTS 2019 recruitment was notified on April 22.
SSC MTS 2020 Notification
The next recruitment for MTS post will be notified in June 2020. SSC would conduct the first exam from October 26 to November 13.
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