Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TNTRB) has announced 2331 vacancies for Assistant Professors for Government Arts and Science Colleges and Colleges of Education. The recruitment was earlier announced in August but application process was cancelled later. The board cited technical reasons for delaying the application process. The Board has notified the recruitment again has begun the online application process. The last date to submit the application process is October 30, 2019.
The number of vacancies has decreased by 9 from the first notification when the board had announced 2340 vacancies.
The Board will shortlist candidates for certificate verification and interview process on merit-basis. The board will shortlist candidates in the ratio of 1:3. The date for the certificate verification and interview will be announced by the board later.
There is no written test prescribed for this recruitment. Candidates will be awarded points on three criteria - teaching experience, educational qualification, and performance in interview.
For Assistant Professor recruitment, a candidate must have completed post-graduation degree in a relevant subject with a minimum of 55 per cent marks and should have qualified NET/ SLET/ SET / SLST / CSIR / JRF as per UGC Norms in the relevant subject.
Candidates with a PhD are also eligible to apply for Assistant Professor Recruitment.
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