Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TNTRB) will begin the recruitment exam for the Direct Recruitment of Post Graduate Assistants / Physical Education Directors Grade I tomorrow and will conclude it on September 29, 2019. It will be a computer-based test (CBT) which will be conducted in two sessions - Forenoon and Afternoon session. Candidates appearing for the exam for Microbiology and Biochemistry subjects should note that the timetable was revised for these two subjects and they should verify their examination date and session form the board's official website.
The admit card for TNTRB PG Assistant and P.E. Director Grade I is available on the official website and those who have bot downloaded it yet should immediately download their admit card and check their exam details. The Board has also released the list of such candidates whose application has been rejected on the grounds of ineligibility.
To help candidates familiarize with the computer-based format of the exam, the board has also released practice tests/ mock tests on the official website.
The Computer Based Examination will consist of a single paper of 3 hours duration with 150 objective questions. Each question will carry one mark. There will be three sections; questions from Main Subject will carry 110 marks, questions on Educational Methodology will carry 30 marks, and questions on General Knowledge will carry 10 marks.
The board will notify result declaration on its website. Candidates who qualify in the CBT will be called for certificate verification process. According to the recruitment notice, "The Board will prepare the list of Candidates for Certificate Verification on 1:2 ratio based on the actual Marks in case of single session paper or Normalized marks in case of multiple session paper."
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