Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TNTRB) has released the question paper and response sheets of candidates who appeared in the recruitment exam for Post Graduate Assistants and Physical Education Director Grade I. The examination was conducted from September 27 to September 29, 2019. Candidates who appeared for the exam can download the question paper and their response sheets from the dashboard by logging into their account.
The answer key for the exam will be released soon on the official website. Candidates would be allowed to submit their objections, if any, on the answer key. After resolution of the objections on the answer key, TN TRB will release the result for the examination.
The board will notify result declaration on its website. Candidates who qualify in the CBT will be called for certificate verification process. According to the recruitment notice, "The Board will prepare the list of Candidates for Certificate Verification on 1:2 ratio based on the actual Marks in case of single session paper or Normalized marks in case of multiple session paper."
The Computer Based Examination consisted of a single paper of 3 hours duration with 150 objective questions. Each question carried one mark. There were three sections; questions from Main Subject carried 110 marks, questions on Educational Methodology carried 30 marks, and questions on General Knowledge carried 10 marks.
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