Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) conducted the Civil Judge recruitment exam on November 24. The results are expected in January, 2020 as per the latest update, mentioned in the annual recruitment calendar released on November 30, by the Commission. Through this recruitment, TNPSC would select and recommend candidates for the post of Civil Judge in the Tamil Nadu State Judicial Service. A total of 176 vacancies will be filled through this exam.
Candidates who qualify this exam would appear for the main exam scheduled to be held on March 28 and 29, 2020. "The admission of candidates for the main examination will be shortlisted at a ratio not exceeding 10 times of the number of vacancies following the rule of reservation," reads the notice released by the Commission.
Selection of candidates shall be made on the basis of total marks obtained by the candidates in the main written examination & viva-voce.
In the main exam, the Commission would assess the candidates' ability in translating passages from pleadings, depositions, orders, judgments and documents from English to Tamil and vice versa. The exam would also have three law papers. The exam would be held at Chennai only and would carry a total of 400 marks.
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