Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) has released the call letters for Physical Measurement Test (PMT), Efficiency Test (ET), and Certificate Verification (CV) for Constable recruitment. The candidates who qualified in the written examination conducted for recruitment of Constable, Firemen, and Jail Warder and are eligible to appear in the next round of selection can download their admit card from the official website.
TUSRB had announced 8826 vacancies for filling up police constable, jail warder and fireman posts.
Candidates will be selected for final recruitment on the basis of written exam, physical measurement test or the physical efficiency test and document verification.
Candidates can check the standards for PMT and PET from the official recruitment notification.
"The candidates who are called for Certificate Verification will have to produce the original certificates which they had uploaded during submission of the online application. Candidate who fails to produce the original certificates will lose his/her claims with regard to communal reservation, age relaxation and special quota. New certificates /claim other than uploaded certificates will not be entertained," said the board.
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