Last date to apply for UGC NET 2017 today
New Delhi:
The application process for CBSE UGC NET 2017 will end today. CBSE UGC NET is conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for selection of candidates for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and or for Assistant Lecturership in India Universities and colleges. The online application process for CBSE University Grants Commission (UGC) National Eligibility Test (NET) was started in the month of August this year. Candidates who are interested in applying for CBSE UGC NET 2017 may logon to the official website of UGC NET hosted by CBSE and apply today. According to the notification released by CBSE, the UGC NET 2017 exam will be conducted on November 5.
According to the notification released by CBSE, the examination pattern of UGC NET 2017 remains as it is, however, the shortlisting criteria of the exam has been changed. Instead of the top 15% candidates as chosen earlier, now only top 6% candidates would be considered as qualified in UGC NET, which had caused protests from aspirants.
Though there are no official confirmation from the authorities, according to some reports, from this year onwards, UGC NET exam for the selection of JRF and assistant professorship in humanities and commerce will be conducted only once in a year instead of twice.
CSIR conducts National Eligibility Test for aspirants from Science stream.
Candidates wiling to apply for UGC NET 2017 may follow the steps given below:
CBSE UGC NET 2017: Last Date To Apply Online Today; Apply At Cbsenet.nic.in
Step 1: Enter the official portal of CBSE UGC NET 2017, cbsenet.nic.in
Step 2: You will find a link: "Fill Application Form - Login for Image Correction - NET November 2017" on the homepage. Click on it.
Step 3: Register as a new candidate or login with your previous credentials and complete the application process
Step 4: Pay the fee and submit the online application.
According to the CBSE notification, the last date to submit application fee for UGC NET 2017 is September 12, 2017.
Candidates would be allowed to correct particulars in their online application form from September 19 to September 25, 2017.
The UGC NET admit card for applicants would be made available on the official portal in the third week of October.
CBSE UGC NET 2017: Important Dates
The UGC NET 2017 examination will be held based on this schedule:
Submission of UGC NET online application form in CBSE's cbsenet.nic.in portal starts: August 11, 2017
Last date for Applying Online for UG NET: September 11, 2017
Last date of submission of Fee: September 12, 2017
Correction in Particulars of application form on the website: September 19th to 25th
Downloading of UGC NET admit card: From October third week
Date of UGC NET Examination: November 5, 2017
The UGC NET fee can be paid through online generated Bank challan, at any branch of (Syndicate/Canara/ICICI Bank) or through credit/debit card.
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According to the notification released by CBSE, the examination pattern of UGC NET 2017 remains as it is, however, the shortlisting criteria of the exam has been changed. Instead of the top 15% candidates as chosen earlier, now only top 6% candidates would be considered as qualified in UGC NET, which had caused protests from aspirants.
Though there are no official confirmation from the authorities, according to some reports, from this year onwards, UGC NET exam for the selection of JRF and assistant professorship in humanities and commerce will be conducted only once in a year instead of twice.
CSIR conducts National Eligibility Test for aspirants from Science stream.
CBSE UGC NET 2017: How to apply
Candidates wiling to apply for UGC NET 2017 may follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Enter the official portal of CBSE UGC NET 2017, cbsenet.nic.in
Step 2: You will find a link: "Fill Application Form - Login for Image Correction - NET November 2017" on the homepage. Click on it.
Step 3: Register as a new candidate or login with your previous credentials and complete the application process
Step 4: Pay the fee and submit the online application.
According to the CBSE notification, the last date to submit application fee for UGC NET 2017 is September 12, 2017.
Candidates would be allowed to correct particulars in their online application form from September 19 to September 25, 2017.
The UGC NET admit card for applicants would be made available on the official portal in the third week of October.
CBSE UGC NET 2017: Important Dates
The UGC NET 2017 examination will be held based on this schedule:
Submission of UGC NET online application form in CBSE's cbsenet.nic.in portal starts: August 11, 2017
Last date for Applying Online for UG NET: September 11, 2017
Last date of submission of Fee: September 12, 2017
Correction in Particulars of application form on the website: September 19th to 25th
Downloading of UGC NET admit card: From October third week
Date of UGC NET Examination: November 5, 2017
The UGC NET fee can be paid through online generated Bank challan, at any branch of (Syndicate/Canara/ICICI Bank) or through credit/debit card.
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