With some major changes introduced in the last UGC NET exam, National Testing Agency (NTA) has again introduced some changes to the exam pattern and syllabus for UGC NET exam. Earlier NTA had switched the mode of examination form pen-paper based to computer-based and had reduced the number of papers from three to two. For the June 2019 UGC NET exam, one of the change introduced is that instead of providing a break between paper 1 and paper 2 exams, the examination for both paper 1 and paper 2 will be conducted in one single session of three hours.
Apart from the change in the overall duration of the UGC NET exam, NTA has also released new syllabus for the UGC NET exam which will be conducted in June 2019.
Unlike earlier UGC NET exams, which were conducted by UGC and CBSE respectively, paper 1 consisted of 60 questions out of which a candidate had to attempt only 50, the UGC NET exam conducted by NTA has only 50 questions in paper 1 making each question compulsory.
A total of 50 questions from 10 units means, 5 questions each from each of the Units.
For paper I, which is General paper on Teaching and Research Aptitude, the units remain the same but there has been change in the topics included under each unit. The new syllabus has been adapted to include some of the recent changes in teaching methods, and contemporary issues. The new syllabus focuses on inclusion of Information and Technology in all aspects of teaching and research.
In Unit 5, which is Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude, some new topics have been added which include Fraction, Time & Distance, Ratio, Proportion and Percentage, Profit and Loss, Interest and Discounting, Averages etc.
'Indian Logic' has been added to the Logical Reasoning unit. 'Data and Governance' has been added to the Data Interpretation unit.
Topics such as Environmental Protection Act (1986), National Action Plan on Climate Change, International agreements/efforts -Montreal Protocol, Rio Summit, Convention on Biodiversity, Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement, International Solar Alliance etc. has been added to the People, Development and Environment unit.
The Higher Education System has been updated to include Institutions of higher learning and education in ancient India, Evolution of higher learning and research in Post-Independence India, Oriental, Conventional and Non-conventional learning programmes in India topics.
Candidates who are planning to appear for the UGC NET exam in June 2019 are advised to check the new syllabus on the official UGC NET website (www.ugcnetonline.in).
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