National Eligibility Test (NET), for Assistant Professorship and Junior Research Fellowship, will be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) from December 2 to December 15. NTA would conduct the exam on behalf of UGC and CSIR. While UGC NET will be held on December 2-6, the CSIR NET will be held on December 15. UGC NET and CSIR NET admit cards would be released on November 9.
UGC NET: Apply Online
CSIR NET: Apply Online
Candidates can pay the exam fee till October 10.
UGC NET is held in 81 subjects for five days and CSIR NET is held in 5 subjects and is conducted in a single day. NTA would declare the results of both the exams by December 31.
From October 18 to October 25 NTA would allow candidates to check and edit their applications.
National Eligibility Test (NET) is held twice a year to determine the eligibility of a candidate for junior research fellowship and lectureship or assistant professorship. Those who qualify for JRF are eligible for lectureship/ assistant professorship also, subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria laid down by UGC.
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