The last date for submission of applications for the National Eligibility Test (NET) has been extended till October 15. Both, CSIR NET and UGC NET registration was scheduled to conclude today. However National Testing Agency (NTA), the exam conducting body, has extended this facility for the candidates by six days. Candidates who have not submitted their applications yet for the UGC NET or the CSIR NET can check the official website nta.ac.in for details on the changed schedule. UGC NET and CSIR NET online application forms can be found at ugcnet.nta.nic.in and csirnet.nta.nic.in respectively.
CSIR NET will be held on December 15 for five subjects. The UGC NET will be held from December 2 to December 6 in 81 subjects.
Apply Online: UGC NET
Apply Online: CSIR NET
The NET admit cards will be released on November 9
NTA would declare the results of both the exams by December 31.
After the registration process, NTA would allow candidates a chance to correct their application form. In the correction window, which will be open for a week, candidates can change the entries made in their application form.
National Eligibility Test (NET) is held twice a year to determine the eligibility of a candidate for junior research fellowship and lectureship or assistant professorship. Those who qualify for JRF are eligible for lectureship/ assistant professorship also, subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria laid down by UGC.
UGC NET 2019: How to apply
Follow the steps given here to apply for UGC NET 2019:
Step-1: Apply for online registration using unique email ID and mobile number
Step-2: Fill in the online application form and note down the system generated application number
Step-3: Upload scanned images of candidate's photograph and candidate's signature
Step-4: Pay fee using SBI/Syndicate/HDFC/ICICI/Paytm Payment Gateway through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI and keep proof of fee paid.
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