National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced the result for UGC NET December 2019 exam. The examination was held between December 2 and December 6, 2019 and was held in two shifts on each day at 700 centres across 219 cities.
NTA had released the result around 2 pm today, removed the result link from the UGC NET website, and has republished the result since then.
As per NTA, 10,34,872 candidates registered for the exam out of which 7,93,813 appeared for the computer-based exam.
Out of those who appeared for the exam, 60,147 have qualified for ' eligibility for Assistant Professor only', and 5,092 have qualified for JRF and are eligible for Assistant Professorship.
The pass percentage of UGC NET exam is low because of the stringent qualification criteria.
The number of candidates to be qualified in UGC NET (total slots or Eligibility for Assistant Professor) shall be equal to 6% of the candidates who appeared in both the papers of NET. The total slots shall be allocated to different categories as per the reservation policy of Government of India.
"In order to be considered for 'JRF and Eligibility for Assistant Professor' and for 'Assistant Professor', the candidate must have appeared in both the papers and secured at least 40% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for General (Unreserved) category candidates and at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for all candidates belonging to the reserved categories (viz., SC, ST, OBC (belonging to Non-Creamy Layer, PwD and Transgender)," says the UGC NET information brochure.
The e-certificates for candidates who have qualified in the UGC NET December 2019 will be released by NTA on the website later.
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