This Article is From Jan 10, 2020

Uttarakhand ACF Prelim Result Announced On Official Website

UKPSC prelim result has been announced for Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) recruitment announced in 2019.

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UKPSC has released prelim exam result for ACF recruitment

New Delhi:

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has released the preliminary exam result for the Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) post. The ACF prelim exam was held on November 3, 2019. As per the result document released by UKPSC, 686 candidates have qualified in the exam. These candidates will now appear for the main examination.

The Commission has released one result document with the roll numbers of the candidates who have qualified in the examination. Candidates who appeared in the examination can check the document and if their roll number is included in the document, it means they have qualified for the main examination.

UKPSC ACF Prelim Exam Result

UKPSC ACF Prelim Exam Marks 


The Commission has also released roll number-wise marks scored by the candidates. The Commission has released the number of right and wrong attempts by a candidates and their corresponding marks in the exam.

Apart from the result, the commission, in a separate document, has released the cut off marks for prelim exam. The cut off marks for unreserved categories is 96.50. The cut off marks for women candidates from unreserved categories and for those belonging to Uttarakhand is 81.25.


The Cut off marks for SC categories is 76.75 and for ST categories is 83.25. The cut off for OBC categories is 92.25 and the cut off for EWS categories is 82.00. Candidates can check the entire cut off list here.

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