The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the marks obtained by the candidates who have been recommended for admission to National Defence Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA) through the NDA & NA (II) 2019 exam.
The final result of the exam was declared on September 14.
The exam was held for selection of candidates for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of National Defence Academy for the 144th Course and Naval Academy for the 106th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC).
A total of 662 candidates have qualified the exam. The final merit list is based on the written exam which was conducted by the UPSC on November 17, 2019 and the interviews held by the Services Selection Boards of the Ministry of Defence.
The written exam and the interview carry 900 marks each.
Aditya Arya, the topper, has secured 1051 out of 1800.
The cut off, or the marks obtained by the last candidate who has been recommended through the exam, is 709 out of 1800 which is 39.4%.
NDA, NA exam is held twice a year- in April and in September. However, in 2020 the first exam could not be held due to COVID-19 pandemic. UPSC later decided to conduct both the exams together on September 6.
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