Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will conduct the National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (II), 2019 tomorrow. The examination which will be conducted in offline mode will be objective in nature and will be of five hours' duration. There will be two papers carrying total weightage of 900 marks.
The two papers for which the exam will be conducted are Mathematics, and General Ability Test. Both the papers will be of two and half hours' duration respectively. Mathematics paper will carry 300 marks and General Ability Test will carry 600 marks.
The question papers (test booklets) of Mathematics and Part "B" of General Ability Test will be set bilingually in Hindi as well as English.
Candidates who qualify in the written examination will be called for SSB Test/Interview which will also carry 900 marks.
Candidates who are appearing for the written examination tomorrow are required to bring their e-Admit card (print out), along with the (original) Photo Identity Card, whose number is mentioned in the e-Admit Card , in each session to secure admission to Examination Hall.
Entry into the examination hall will be closed 10 minutes before the commencement of the exam, i.e. 9:50 AM for the Forenoon Session and 01:50 PM for the Afternoon Session.
Candidates who do not have clear photographs on the e-admit card will have to bring a photo identity proof and two passport size photographs one for each session for appearing at the examination with an undertaking.
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