Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has released the answer key of the personal assistant exam held on April 10. The exam was held for those candidates who had qualified the preliminary exam. Through these exams candidates will be selected for the post of personal assistant in the High Court of Uttarakhand, Nainital.
The answer key is available on the official website of the Commission. Candidates can download the answer key and raise objections against it, if they wish, latest by May 18.
To raise objections, candidates have to pay Rs 50 per question.
The Commission has postponed the review officer, assistant review officer preliminary exam which was scheduled to be held on May 23. New exam date will be intimated to candidates later on, the Commission has said.
In view of the covid situation, many recruitment agencies have postponed exams. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has postponed the interview of the civil services exam. The Commission has also deferred the registration process of the Combined Medical Services exam which was supposed to begin today.
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