West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) has released the result of Final Combined Competitive Examination for recruitment to the post of Sub-Inspector/Lady Sub-Inspector of Police in West Bengal Police. The result is available on the official website. Candidates who have qualified in the exam will now have to appear in a personality test. The personality test will tentatively be conducted on July 22, 2019.
West Bengal SI Exam Result 2019: How To Check?
Step one: Go to official website for WBPRB: wbpolice.gov.in
Step two: Click on the result link.
Step three: Enter the required details.
Step four: Submit and check your result.
WB Police SI Result 2019: Direct Link
The Personality Test for the shortlisted candidates will be conducted at the office of West Bengal Police Recruitment Board, Araksha Bhawan (5th floor), Block - DJ, Sector - II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700091.
The call letters for the Personality Test will be released on the WBPRB website on July 11. The Board will send SMS alert intimating the date and venue of Personality Test to the shortlisted candidates to their registered mobile numbers.
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