Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has distributed appointment letters to newly recruited Assistant Teachers in the state. These candidates have been selected by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. They have been appointed in government secondary schools.
The event was held in virtual mode.
राजकीय माध्यमिक विद्यालयों के लिए 436 नवचयनित प्रवक्ताओं एवं सहायक अध्यापकों को ऑनलाइन नियुक्ति पत्र वितरित करते #UPCM श्री @myogiadityanath जी... #MissionRojgar https://t.co/4WxgqveVH7
— CM Office, GoUP (@CMOfficeUP) January 19, 2021
To newly recruited teachers, Mr Adityanath said, "there is no limit to learning. Everyone should learn something new every single day. A teacher should definitely be skilled in his or her own discipline but they should also be an integral part of society."
Mr Adityanath said that on March 19, his government will complete 4 years in the state. "On completion of the four-year term, we will meet the target of giving government jobs to four lakh youth. So far, we have given government jobs to more than 3.75 lakh youth," he said.
He asked the teachers to study the draft of the National Education Policy (NEP) and impart learning following that.
On this, official spokesperson has said, all districts will be connected through NIC. Distribution of appointment letters to a maximum 5 or the available newly selected lecturers/assistant teachers as available in the districts will be done by the concerned MPs / MLAs of the concerned district.
For this, through the District Inspector of Schools, the concerned candidates were instructed to be present on time at the NIC centres of the districts and attend the event.
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