A student of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur was found dead in his hostel room on Tuesday. The incident came to light around 8:30 pm when a resident of Hall 8 called the institute's security section to report that the PhD student, Prasant Singh's room was locked from the inside and was unresponsive to knocks.
"When the institute's administrators forcibly opened the door, they discovered Prasant Singh hanging from the ceiling with the help of a bedsheet," the institute said in a statement.
He was rushed to the institute's health centre where the on-call physician pronounced him dead. In the meantime, Singh's family members and the city police were informed of the incident.
"The police forensic team came that same evening and began their investigations. Prasant Singh's body was taken to the Mortuary of Hallet Hospital," the institute stated, adding that it was awaiting the police investigation to determine the likely reason behind his suicide.
Singh, a student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering with outstanding academic qualifications, enrolled in IIT Kanpur in 2019 to work for his master's degree before deciding to enroll in a PhD program in 2021.
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Vandrevala Foundation for Mental Health | 9999666555 or help@vandrevalafoundation.com |
TISS iCall | 022-25521111 (Monday-Saturday: 8 am to 10 pm) |
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