Tiger Hill
Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir, was a key logistical hub during the Kargil War. It served as the main base of operations for the Indian Army's Northern Command, which coordinated the military response to the Pakistani infiltration.
A scenic hill station along the Srinagar-Leh highway, Sonmarg, was an important staging area for Indian troops during the Kargil conflict. The town's proximity to the Drass sector made it a crucial supply and transit point.
The Drass sector, including the strategic peaks of Tiger Hill (Point 5140) and Tololing, was the epicenter of the Kargil War. Fierce battles were fought to recapture these heights from Pakistani forces, with the capture of Tololing on June 13, 1999 being a major turning point.
Kaksar was a village in the Kargil district that saw intense fighting as Indian troops sought to push back the Pakistani infiltrators. The capture of Kaksar was an important objective in the early stages of the conflict.
The district headquarters, Kargil town, was a key logistical hub. Later, this became the site of the Kargil War Memorial, which was built to honour the Indian Soldiers who lost their lives in the conflict.
The Batalik sector, east of the Indus River, was another area where Pakistani forces had occupied strategic heights. This sector proved the direct involvement of the Pakistani army in the conflict. Fierce battles were fought to reclaim these positions and secure the region.
Served as a crucial rear base for the Indian Army, providing logistics and administrative support
Tiger Hill
5,062 m
5,140 m
The War

25 years ago, India faced an unprecedented challenge in North Kashmir - an intrusion at heights above 18,000 feet that threatened National Highway 1A, the lifeline between Srinagar and Leh, the only all-weather road across the region.

These weren't ordinary intruders - they were fully armed Soldiers of the Pakistan Army who were assigned the goal of cutting off National Highway 1A which they would target from unoccupied heights along the Line of Control.

These were peaks in Indian territory.

And the orders to the Army and the Air Force were clear.

Evict the intruders and regain India's territory at any cost. Defend National Highway 1A. And ensure Pakistan's landgrab along the Kargil heights never happens again.

Key Battlefields
  • Drass 10,990 feet
  • Kargil 8,780 feet
  • Batalik12,500 feet
  • Tiger Hill 8,780 feet
  • Tololing 8,780 feet
  • War Conquests
  • Key Soldiers
Drass, often termed the 'Gateway to Ladakh,' was a critical battleground during the Kargil War. The town is located along the Srinagar-Leh Highway (NH1D), which was essential for supply lines. The Battle of Tololing, fought in this region, was among the first major conflicts. Indian troops faced severe resistance but managed to secure the Tololing peak after intense fighting. This victory was pivotal as it allowed Indian forces to gain a strategic advantage and secure the highway. The harsh terrain and extreme weather conditions made the battles in Drass particularly challenging.
Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav:

Displayed extraordinary bravery during the assault on Tiger Hill, located near Drass. Despite multiple injuries, he continued to fight, neutralizing enemy bunkers, which played a crucial role in the eventual capture of the peak. For his gallantry, he was awarded the Param Vir Chakra.

Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav
  • War Conquests
  • Key Soldiers
Kargil town, situated on the banks of the Indus River, was at the heart of the conflict. Pakistani forces had occupied strategic heights around the town, threatening the Srinagar-Leh highway. The Indian Army launched Operation Vijay to clear these positions. One of the significant victories was the recapture of Gun Hill (Point 5140), which played a crucial role in regaining control over the region. The operation involved coordinated assaults on multiple fronts, overcoming heavily fortified enemy positions and harsh mountainous terrain.
Captain Vikram Batra:

Known for his heroic actions in the capture of Gun Hill, and his famous slogan "Yeh Dil Maange More!". His bravery and leadership were instrumental in multiple successful operations in the Kargil region, including the capture of Tololing (Point 4875) - the site was later named Batra Top in his honour. He was posthumously awarded the Param Vir Chakra.

Captain Vikram Batra
Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey:

Led his platoon with remarkable courage, sacrificing his life in the process. His actions were pivotal in securing enemy positions around Kargil, earning him the Param Vir Chakra posthumously.

Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pande
  • War Conquests
  • Key Soldiers
Batalik sector was one of the most challenging areas due to its rugged terrain and strategic importance. The Indian Army had to engage in close-quarter battles to dislodge entrenched enemy forces from high-altitude positions. The capture of key heights in this region was critical for controlling the area and ensuring the security of the Leh-Srinagar Highway. The operations in Batalik involved meticulous planning and courageous execution under extreme weather conditions and difficult terrain.
Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav:

Demonstrated exceptional bravery and leadership during operations in Batalik, leading his troops through difficult assaults. His actions significantly contributed to the success of Indian operations in the sector.

Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav
Major Sonam Wangchuk:

Led his troops in a daring assault to reclaim strategic positions, showcasing exceptional leadership and valor. For his actions in Batalik, he was awarded the Mahavir Chakra.

Major Sonam Wangchuk
  • War Conquests
  • Key Soldiers
Tiger Hill was one of the highest and most strategic peaks occupied by Pakistani forces. Its recapture was crucial as it provided a vantage point overlooking the Srinagar-Leh Highway. The assault on Tiger Hill was meticulously planned and involved a multi-directional attack under extreme conditions. The operation was a turning point in the Kargil War, symbolizing the determination and bravery of the Indian Soldiers. The successful capture of Tiger Hill significantly boosted the morale of Indian forces and marked a decisive victory.
Captain Vikram Batra:

Played a key role in the successful assault on Tiger Hill. His fearless leadership and bravery were pivotal in the recapture of this critical position. He was posthumously awarded the Param Vir Chakra for his actions.

Captain Vikram Batra
Rifleman Sanjay Kumar:

Displayed remarkable courage during the assault, neutralizing enemy bunkers and continuing to fight despite being wounded. His actions were instrumental in the success of the operation, earning him the Param Vir Chakra.

Rifleman Sanjay Kumar
  • War Conquests
  • Key Soldiers
War Conquests: The Battle of Tololing was a crucial engagement in the Kargil War. The Tololing Ridge, due to its strategic location, overlooked the Srinagar-Leh Highway and was heavily fortified by Pakistani forces. The recapture of Tololing was essential for securing the highway and ensuring supply lines to Leh. Indian forces faced intense enemy fire and difficult terrain but ultimately succeeded in reclaiming the ridge after weeks of fierce fighting. This victory was a significant boost to Indian operations in the region and paved the way for further successes.
Major Rajesh Singh Adhikari:
Played a critical role in the operations to capture Tololing. His leadership and bravery were instrumental in overcoming the enemy positions. He was posthumously awarded the Mahavir Chakra.
Major Rajesh Singh Adhikari
Captain Anuj Nayyar:

Displayed exceptional courage and leadership during the battle, leading his men from the front and making the ultimate sacrifice. His actions were crucial in securing the ridge, earning him the Mahavir Chakra posthumously.

Captain Anuj Nayyar
The Amar Jawan - India's Kargil heroes
  • Param Vir Chakra (PVC)
  • Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
  • Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav
    18 Grenadiers
  • Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey
    1/11 Gorkha Rifles
  • Captain Vikram Batra
    13 JAK Rifles
  • Rifleman Sanjay Kumar
    13 JAK Rifles
Part of a Ghatak Platoon during the Kargil War
Assigned the difficult task of capturing three strategic bunkers on Tiger Hill
Despite being hit by three bullets, he continued fighting and destroyed the second bunker, allowing his platoon to advance
Awarded the Param Vir Chakra for his extraordinary courage and determination
Joined the Army with the aim of winning the Param Vir Chakra
Carried out a series of attacks under intense fire to push back intruders from Batalik
Captured Jubar Top and Khalubar Hill before being killed in action
Awarded the Param Vir Chakra posthumously.
Commissioned into 13 JAK Rifles in December 1997
Codename during war was 'Sher Shah'
Captured crucial Point 5140, later volunteered for mission to recapture Point 4875
Killed in action on July 7, 1999, during the assault on Point 4875
Became famous for the phrase "Yeh Dil Maange More!" after mission success
Awarded Param Vir Chakra posthumously
Displayed exemplary courage during the battle for Area Flat Top
Charged towards the enemy bunkers, killing three Pakistani Soldiers
Kept fighting despite being hit by 3 bullets
Captured the enemy position and held it till the arrival of reinforcements
Awarded the Param Vir Chakra for his bravery
  • Captain Anuj Nayyar
    17 Jat
  • Major Rajesh Singh Adhikari
    18 Grenadierss
  • Captain Gurjinder Singh Suri
    12 Bihar
  • Naik Digendra Kumar
    2 Rajputana Rifles
  • Lieutenant Balwan Singh
    18 Grenadiers
  • Naik Imliakum Ao
    2 Naga
  • Captain Keishing Clifford Nongrum
    12 JAK LI
  • Captain Neikezhakuo Kenguruse
    2 Rajputana Rifles
  • Major Padmapani Acharya
    2 Rajputana Rifles
  • Major Sonam Wangchuk
    2 Rajputana Rifles
  • Major Vivek Gupta
    2 Rajputana Rifles
Led operations to capture enemy positions on Tiger Hill
Killed in action on July 7, 1999
Commanding officer of 18 Grenadiers battalion
Led the capture of Tololing Top
Killed in action on May 30, 1999
Led the assault on Birjen Top in the Mushkoh Valley
Killed in action on December 9, 1999
Part of the Assault Group tasked to capture Point 4875 (Tololing)
Continued firing his LMG with one hand despite being hit by a bullet
His covering fire allowed his troops to capture the objective after a fierce battle
Awarded the Mahavir Chakra for his courage and resolve
Part of the Ghatak Platoon tasked to assault Tiger Hill from the north-eastern direction on July 3, 1999.
Led his team along a dangerous, precarious route for over 12 hours under intense artillery fire to reach the designated spur at 16,500 feet.
Killed four enemy Soldiers in close combat despite his injuries.
Awarded the Maha Vir Chakra for his courage and selfless service
Served in 2 Naga Regiment
Displayed exceptional bravery during operations in the Mashkoh Valley
Awarded the Mahavir Chakra for his actions during the Kargil War
Known for his skills in mountain warfare
Served in the 12 Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry
Led the assault on Point 4812 in the Batalik sector
Killed in action on July 1, 1999
Awarded the Mahavir Chakra posthumously
Led an assault in the Drass sector
Killed in action on June 28, 1999
Awarded the Mahavir Chakra posthumously
Nicknamed 'Neibu' by comrades, his rock climbing expertise proved crucial
Company commander in the 2nd Rajputana Rifles
Tasked with recapturing an enemy position in Tololing
Braved Pakistani shelling and bullets to overrun the enemy position, died after completing mission
Awarded the Maha Vir Chakra posthumously for his gallantry and devotion to duty
Led operations in the Chorbat La sub-sector
His actions were crucial in securing the strategically important Chorbat La pass
Awarded the Mahavir Chakra for his role in the Kargil War
Known for his exceptional knowledge of high-altitude warfare and local terrain
Led a dangerous uphill assault against Pakistani intruders in the Drass sector
Captured two enemy bunkers before being killed in action
Awarded the Maha Vir Chakra posthumously for his bravery and supreme sacrifice
Timeline Kargil War
Local shepherds in Kargil alert the Indian Army about Pakistani troops and militants in the region
Indian Army patrols are sent out in response to earlier reports.

5 Indian Soldiers are captured and subsequently killed by Pakistani forces.

Pakistan Army destroys Indian Army's ammunition dumps in Kargil.
Further infiltrations across the LoC are confirmed in Dras, Kaksar, and Mushkoh sectors.

India moves in more Soldiers from Kashmir to reinforce the Kargil district.

Indian Army launches 'Operation Vijay' to recapture the occupied heights.
The Indian Air Force (IAF) launches 'Operation Safed Sagar' and begins airstrikes on Pakistani positions.
3 IAF aircraft (MiG-21, MiG-27, Mi-17) are shot down by Pakistani forces.
Pakistan begins shelling on National Highway-1 in Kashmir and Ladakh.
India releases documents recovered from Pakistani Soldiers confirming their involvement.
Indian troops recapture two key positions in the Batalik Sector.
Indian forces secure the strategic Tololing peak in the Dras sector after fierce fighting.
Indian Army recaptures the crucial Tiger Hill in the Dras sector.
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announces the withdrawal of Pakistani forces from Kargil.
Pakistani forces disengage and retreat from the region as India retakes control of key peaks.
Indian Army announces the complete withdrawal of Pakistani forces, declaring 'Operation Vijay' a success.
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