Congress legislator JN Ganesh, accused of beating fellow Karnataka lawmaker Anand Singh, was arrested in Gujarat's Somnath district on Wednesday. Today, he was brought to Bengaluru to face the charges. He would be produced in court and later taken to Ramnagara where a case of attempt to murder has been registered against him.
JN Ganesh had gone missing after allegedly assaulting Mr Singh during a brawl at a resort, where Congress lawmakers had been camping to avoid the BJP's alleged attempt to poach them.
He was arrested near a restaurant in Somnath, the news agency PTI reported. The police have recorded his statement and took him to a hospital for medical check-up.
The complaint filed with the police says JN Ganesh attacked Mr Singh at the resort with his fists and a flowerpot, hitting him near his eye. He allegedly kicked him in the chest.
Anand Singh was admitted to a hospital . He had alleged that Mr Ganesh attacked him at the Eagleton Resort with the intention to kill.
Although the state Congress initially tried to cover up the incident, even denying that any such brawl took place, that became impossible after photographs of the injured legislator emerged and a formal complaint was filed. Mr Ganesh was suspended by the party, and Karnataka Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy assured that he will be arrested soon.
In an interaction with the media soon after the incident, Mr Ganesh refrained from admitting to Anand Singh's charges but said that he was willing to apologise to his family if he has caused them any distress. Later, he claimed on social media that he had not injured his fellow-legislator.
Anand Singh, who represents Vijayanagara in the state assembly, had quit the BJP to join the Congress last year.
Fearing the arrest, the Congress MLA did not appear for the crucial budget session of the state legislature, despite a whip.
With inputs from PTI