Less than two months after taking charge of the government in Karnataka, Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy broke down at a meeting of his party, the Janata Dal Secular, on Saturday, saying he was not a happy man and comparing himself to Lord Shiva, who drank poison to save the world. He also said he was unhappy with the number of seats his party won. His deputy, G Parameshwara of the Congress brushed off the matter, saying a chief minister "has to be always happy".
The alliance between Mr Kumaraswamy's Janata Dal Secular and the Congress, where the larger party chose to take a backseat to keep the BJP out of power in the state, was seen as a model for the anti-BJP front ahead of the 2019 general elections.
But over the last two months, the alliance walked a rocky road. Its many challenges included a tussle over portfolios and the presentation of the state budget, which Mr Kumaraswamy's predecessor Siddaramaiah was not in favour of as he had presented a full budget in February.
Despite many BJP taunts about an "unholy alliance", both Congress and Mr Kumaraswamy had kept up a united front. On Saturday, at a party meeting which was also meant to felicitate him, Mr Kumaraswamy became emotional.
"You have come here with bouquets to felicitate me with affection. I am not happy. The pain that I have -- I have swallowed that pain like Vishakanta. The question is -- I wanted to become of Chief Minister of Karnataka because of the wish of the people -- not to enjoy myself as Chief Minister," he told party workers.
After his oath ceremony in May, Mr Kumaraswamy said that he was not taking the post "happily", as he did not receive the complete trust of the people. "I have not become Chief Minister today happily. I have pain. I had placed several issues in front of people during election feeling that they will trust me, but people of the state have not shown trust in me," he said.
On Saturday, he referred to it again, saying he did not wish to be Chief Minister "to enjoy power but to solve the problems of my people and fulfill the unfinished agenda of my father". But the people, he said, did not give him majority.
His deputy, Mr Parameshwara, however, played down the matter. "How can he say that? He must be definitely happy, CM has to be always happy, if he's happy we'll all be happy," he said.
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