In a daring daylight robbery, a 28year-old housewife was allegedly robbed of her gold valuablesworth Rs 2 lakh by unidentified miscreants at her residence inBanashankari police station limts, police said.
According to police, Trupti Ghorpade, wife of a softwareengineer was allegedly robbed of the gold ornaments comprisinga chain, mangalasutra, necklace and a pair of bangles bytwo unidentified culprits who knocked on the door posingthemselves as employees of postal department.
The duo tied her mouth with a veil and relieved her of hervaluables and fled on a two-wheeler, police said.
According to police, Trupti Ghorpade, wife of a softwareengineer was allegedly robbed of the gold ornaments comprisinga chain, mangalasutra, necklace and a pair of bangles bytwo unidentified culprits who knocked on the door posingthemselves as employees of postal department.
The duo tied her mouth with a veil and relieved her of hervaluables and fled on a two-wheeler, police said.