Leaders from both the BJP and Congress have engaged into a war of words in the run up to the polling day on May 12. This week, PM Modi has attacked Congress, currently ruling the state, on several instances over condition of farmers, safety of women, and corruption in the state. He even said that the "garden city of Bengaluru" had turned into a "garbage city" prompting a reaction from Rahul Gandhi. Mr Gandhi called PM "a natural liar" and said he had insulted Bengaluru by giving it the label.
Here are the highlights of the Karnataka assembly elections 2018.:
LIVE : PM Modi is addressing public meeting at Gadag, Karnataka. #KannadigasWithModi https://t.co/RUEW9GRBQr
- BJP (@BJP4India) May 5, 2018
For years, the Congress kept chanting 'Gareeb'. However, when a poor mother's son became PM, they changed their slogan and started chanting 'farmers' : PM Modi in Tumakuru, Karnataka, #KannadigasWithModi pic.twitter.com/RexeK6UoCn
- BJP (@BJP4India) May 5, 2018
LIVE : Shri @AmitShah's road show in Karnataka. https://t.co/yJLEocxCQZ
- BJP (@BJP4India) May 5, 2018
LIVE : PM @narendramodi addresses public meeting in Tumakuru, Karnataka. #KannadigasWithModi https://t.co/4N3f9xN28T
- BJP (@BJP4India) May 5, 2018
Dear PM @narendramodi avare, I am glad you have made corruption an issue in this Election because that is your weakest point.
- Siddaramaiah (@siddaramaiah) May 5, 2018
You are making baseless allegations of corruption about our Govt.
Can you speak for 5 minutes on the ethics of using the Reddy Bros' to win an election? pic.twitter.com/UPTNypEQ32
Schedule of BJP National President Shri @AmitShah's public programs in Karnataka. Watch at https://t.co/vpP0MI6iTu pic.twitter.com/0bpXJB7x2b
- BJP (@BJP4India) May 5, 2018
Here is the schedule of Shri @narendramodi's public rallies in Karnataka on 5th May, 2018.
- BJP (@BJP4India) May 4, 2018
Watch live at https://t.co/vpP0MInUi4https://t.co/DhKx7Dasbrhttps://t.co/lcXkSnNPDn
You may also listen the speeches live by dialling 9345015401.
Get live updates at @BJPLive too. pic.twitter.com/WTBZTvJnvi