BJP chief Amit Shah is holding a road show along with the party's chief ministerial candidate BS Yeddyurappa in Badami, one of the two seats from where Chief Minister Siddaramaiah is contesting. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, backward classes and the 'slum morcha' workers of the BJP via the NaMo app this morning. Congress president Rahul Gandhi, who is in Karnataka for the last leg of campaigning, held a press conference along with Mr Siddaramaiah in Bengaluru, attacking the BJP's Dalit outreach attempt.
Here are the LIVE updates from the Karnataka assembly election 2018 campaign:
Karnataka's economy "will improve," said Amit Shah.
"We will win in more than 130 seats in the state," he added.
"Looking at the current state of the state with Siddaramiah as the chief minister, the BJP will win," he said.
"The BJP will the polls with a majority. Yedyurappa will become the chief minister if we win," he said.
Commenting on the fake ID case, Amit Shah said that he wanted to "request those people (whose fake IDs were made) to not fall into the Congress' trap," he said.
"A 12-year-old child is raped, when the father goes to register a complaint, he is shown the door. The Siddaramaiah government is a failure," Mr Shah said.
"Siddaramaiah thinks he is going to win, but he will lose," he added, saying that the BJP will form the government in Karnataka.
In a press conference, BJP chief Amit Shah said that the BJP held 400 roadshows in Karnataka. "More than 35 leaders have devoted their time for campaigning," he said.
"The BJP has shown a lot of compassion towards the farmers of Karnataka, over 3500 farmers committed suicide in the state in five years. Our party has tried to address the issue," Amit Shah said.
Bengaluru: Kannada actress Bhavana Ramanna joins Bharatiya Janata Party, she was earlier with the Congress Party. #KarnatakaElection2018
- ANI (@ANI) May 10, 2018
Dharwad: Congress President Rahul Gandhi visited the house of deceased party worker HV Madalli in Hallikeri; Madalli died while campaigning for #KarnatakaElection2018 in Navalgund
- ANI (@ANI) May 10, 2018
#WATCH BJP President Amit Shah at a road show in Badami, CM candidate BS Yeddyurappa also present. #KarnatakaElections2018
- ANI (@ANI) May 10, 2018
After a day of campaigning in Karnataka for the Saturday election, Rahul Gandhi hit an ice-cream parlour in Bengaluru for some down-time - and chats with citizens of the IT city where the ruling Congress is facing public anger over the lack of amenities.
Campaigning in Karnataka is expected to end on a high note today as both BJP and the Congress rally their forces for one final push. As a fitting end to its aggressive campaign, the BJP has gathered at least 50 of its senior leaders for rallies and roadshows across the state. The list includes a battery of Union ministers and party chief Amit Shah. The Prime Minister started the packed day with an address to party workers on his Narendra Modi App. Congress chief Rahul Gandhi addressed the media in Bengaluru.
- The BJP is in panic mode. They have realised that the Congress is doing things differently. They have seen it in Gujarat.
- This is a fight between the spirit of Karnataka and RSS.
- We are depending on our leadership in Karnataka.
- The RSS is attacking your language, culture, food. Trying to decimate your way of life. We will fight them out.
- PM Modi wants to distract.
- He makes personal attacks to distract from the issues.
- 2 crore youngsters promised jobs by the PM are standing in queues. Congress gave jobs to youth in Karnataka.
- We will not let PM get angry or digress.
- Narendra Modi doesn't say anything when Dalits are being killed across the country.
- Congress is raising Dalit issues, that's our job. When Rohith Vemula is killed, PM doesn't say a word.
- Karnataka government gives half the money the centre gives for Dalits
- We are fighting this election on development issues
- Under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi, we have campaigned. Most importantly, in our programme, we have spoken of what we have done. And the failures of the 4 years of the Narendra Modi government
- BJP has the most number of MPs in parliament that belong to SC/ST, OBC and minority
- I appeal you to visit homes of SC/ST, OBC and minorities and assure them that BJP will work for their welfare
- We need to work tirelessly for the welfare of deprived and women
- Taking inspiration from all the great saints, today we are trying to fulfill Baba Saheb's dream of powerful and prosperous nation
- Congress never respected Baba Saheb Ambedkar. Until the Congress party was in power, Baba Saheb was not given Bharat Ratna
- Our govt has made SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act more stringent and increased the offences listed in the Act from 22 to 47
- Stand up and Mudra Yojanas are helping to make SC/ST/OBC and women financially empowered
"I want to appeal that you should go to SC, ST, minority houses and tell about our schemes. BJP is dedicated to their development": PM Modi
- NDTV (@ndtv) May 10, 2018
Watch LIVE:
- Your hard work is appreciated
- Today, the youth is joining BJP
- I want to thank all my morcha workers
- BJP takes SC/ST and minorities forward
- I want to appeal that you should go to SC/ST and minority houses and tell about our schemes
Seen for long as a reluctant politician, Congress chief Rahul Gandhi's admission that he is ready for the job of the nation's Prime Minister, has drawn swift reprisal. Prime Minister Narendra Modi today delivered a stinging rebuke, accusing the 47-year-old Congress chief of having sky-high arrogance.
Karnataka Election 2018: The 10,000 voter ID cards found in a Bengaluru apartment are genuine, Karnataka's top election official Sanjiv Kumar said on Wednesday, suggesting that the cards appeared to have been collected to bribe "vulnerable" voters in India's IT hub set to go to polls later this week.
- Amit Shah - Badami
- Prakash Javadekar - Shantinagar, CV Raman Nagar
- Nirmala Sitharaman - Shantinagar, CV Raman Nagar
- Meenakshi Lekhi - Chamarajpet, Gandhinagar, Padmanabhanagar
- Shobha Karandlanje - Kalasa, Kapu, Udupi
- Ananth Kumar - BTM Layout, Padmanabhanagar, Basavanagudi, Govindrajnagar, Vijayanagar
- Sadananada Gowda - Hebbal, Shantinagar, Pulakeshinagar,Govindrajnagar
- Anurag Thakur - Rajajinagar