Social activist R Manasayya has approached the police seeking to file a complaint against Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, Speaker, and the state Home Minister accusing them of painting the people from the scheduled caste and scheduled tribe communities in poor light in the Assembly. However, the police have refused to file an FIR, prompting the activist to consider going to court.
Speaking to NDTV, the police said that they could not register the complaint since the incident happened inside the state Assembly.
BJP leaders, on the floor of the Assembly, showed people from the scheduled caste and scheduled tribe in a poor light while debating the contentious anti-conversion Bill, the activist alleged. The people from the category have been described as beggars and vagabonds who are converted to Christianity after being lured with money, he wrote in his complaint copy. The activist said he will move the court after gathering all relevant proceedings of the House.
Meanwhile, Karnataka Minister for Rural Development and Panchayat Raj KS Eshwarappa said the Bill is the agenda of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh - the ideological mentor of the BJP.
"This is RSS agenda. RSS has taught us virtues and values about saving the country from immoral elements," he said.
However, Congress has vehemently opposed the Bill, saying the party will resist it strongly when it is introduced in the Council.
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