The Karnataka High Court on Tuesday issued notice to former Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa,his son and BJP state vice president BY Vijayendra, their family members, former minister ST Somashekar and an IAS officer in a case alleging corruption in a housing project.
The single bench of Justice S Sunil Dutt Yadav directed issuing notices to them on a petition filed by an activist TJ Abraham, who challenged the special courts order on July 8 this year.
The special court had dismissed the case for want of sanction to prosecute Yediyurappa and Somashekar, who were Chief Minister and Minister respectively at the time.
The case pertains to allegedly receiving kickbacks from a contractor for a housing project of the Bangalore Development Authority.
The matter had also been discussed in the Karnataka Assembly when leader of the opposition Siddaramaiah moved a no confidence motion and leveled serious allegations.
Mr Yediyurappa and his son had rejected the allegation outright, saying that there was no truth in the matter.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)