Karnataka's most senior anti-corruption officer, its Lokayukta, was hospitalized today after he was stabbed repeatedly at his office in Bengaluru. Justice P Vishwanatha Shetty, a former high court judge who was named the state's anti-corruption ombudsman last year, was attacked by a man who went to him with a complaint and was told that the case had been shut.
The attacker, Tejaraj Sharma, has been arrested. He had complained about not getting a contract he had applied for. Justice Shetty reportedly told him that his case was examined and shut. "Something happened, he lost his temper, took out a knife from his pocket and stabbed Justice Shetty two-three times before being restrained," said a police officer.
Justice Shetty, 74, is out of danger after surgery.
"A was shown the weapon. The knife is big. It seemed like it was an attempt to murder the Lokayukta. He had a big weapon in his hand. We are checking if there was a security lapse. Everything about his background will be investigated," said Chief Minister Siddaramaiah.
The police are investigating how the attacker was able to access the Lokayukta's first floor office after crossing a metal detector and a number of policemen.
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