TV channels that do not comply strictly with the code on programming will face faction, the Karnataka Police has said in an order. Any channel that shows a programme that "offends against good taste or decency", among other restrictions, can be charged under the Cable Television Networks Rules, the Bengaluru Police said in the order.
The Bengaluru Police Commissioner, citing a Karnataka High Court order on March 6, said in the order: "Prohibit all the broadcasts, which are not strictly in conformity in terms of programming code as defined under Cable Television Network Rules."
The order comes days after a Karnataka minister resigned on "moral grounds" after an alleged sex tape was aired by local news channels.
Any channel that "denigrates women... or derogatory to women, or is likely to deprave, corrupt or injure the public morality or morals" will face punishment, the police said, citing a section of the TV programming code.
If found guilty, the person responsible for the content could be jailed for up to two years for the first offence, and for every subsequent offence, the person could be jailed for up to five years.
Ramesh Jarkiholi, 60, who was Water Resources Minister, resigned last week over the video scandal.
"Allegations against me are far from the truth. Clear investigation is needed. I'll come out innocent and I'm confident about it. I'm resigning on moral grounds and I request you to accept this," Mr Jarkiholi had said in his resignation letter that was promptly accepted by Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa.
The claim against Mr Jarkiholi was made by a man, Dinesh Kallahalli, who said he was filing a complaint on behalf of the woman. He produced a CD allegedly showing the Mr Jarkiholi and the woman - she herself has not come forward.
Mr Kallahalli later withdrew the complaint against the minister, saying he was hurt by a statement by former chief minister HD Kumaraswamy of the Janata Dal (Secular) that he had released the CD because he had been paid a large sum of money. And also that the issue might harm the image of the woman involved.
Six other ministers, meanwhile, obtained an injunction against the publication of defamatory news against them.