This Article is From Mar 21, 2012

Karnataka to set up green energy fund

Bangalore: A green energy fund to encourage rooftop grid connected solar projects would be set up in Karnataka by levying a surcharge of five paise per unit on industrial and commercial consumers, Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda said today.

"The surcharge will be complemented by support of Rs 25 crore from the State Budget during 2012-13", he said in the 2012-13 budget presented in the Legislative Assembly. "The resources available in the Fund will be utilised to encourage rooftop grid connected solar projects".

Good progress has been achieved in promoting renewable energy with addition of 441 MW in 2011-12 itself, he added.

Total outlay of Rs 10,289 crore for the energy sector during 2012-13 is envisaged in the Budget.

In spite of the state's best efforts in establishing new generation capacity, the major constraints faced by the government are in getting the required coal linkages and environmental clearances for its plants from the Centre.

"The matter has been taken up time and again with the Central government but nothing much has been received except advice and wait", the Chief Minister said.