A Congress leader's son allegedly ran over a biker in Karnataka on Wednesday amid a spate of hit-and-run incidents being reported from across the country. Prajwal Shetty, the 26-year-old son of Congress leader Deviprasad Shetty, was arrested a day later.
Prajwal Shetty was driving a Thar SUV when the accident occurred, officials said. He rammed the two-wheeler with his car around 5 am on Wednesday and fled.
CCTV visuals captured from a nearby house showed the SUV speeding across the street and hitting a two-wheeler approaching from the opposite direction.
Mohammad Hussain, 39, who was riding the bike, sustained severe injuries in the impact. He was immediately taken to the hospital, but he died a day later.
The accused was arrested by Shirva Police on Thursday, but sources said he was granted bail shortly after.
His father Deviprasad Shetty is a well-known Congress leader from the Belapu village in Udupi.
Last month, another hit-and-run incident was reported from the nearby coastal city of Mangaluru. A speeding car had veered onto the footpath, killing a woman and seriously injuring four others.
In July, a speeding car was caught on CCTV hitting a bike and two students in Raichur district. The nightmarish accident occurred as the biker had taken a sudden U-turn without paying heed to the oncoming traffic from the opposite direction.