A noted tiger conservationist and his friend were assaulted in Karnataka on Monday. DV Girish and his friend were attacked in Chikmagalur district when they were travelling through a reserve forest in the evening. Three persons have been arrested.
A video of the attack shows a group of young men surrounding the activist and slapping him. His friend, who got out of a four-wheeler, too was slapped and hit by the men.
Mr Girish and his friend were accompanied by the latter's 17-year-old daughter.
"They passed lewd comments against the minor girl. We objected and moved on," Mr Girish told NDTV.
He said the men followed them for 3 km after which they took out stones, blocked their vehicle and stared beating them. The men drove slowly and were drunk, he said. The incident took place at around 5:30 pm.
"Villagers intervened and we approached the police."
The arrests were made after the activist filed a police complaint. Three accused persons have been arrested so far. Three to four persons are still missing and would be secured soon," said police officer Akshay MH.