This Article is From Feb 14, 2012

Police rescue abducted doctor, nab three kidnappers

Bangalore: The Bangalore City Police with thehelp of their Haryana counterparts nabbed three persons whohad allegedly kidnapped a doctor for ransom within 24 hoursof the abduction.

Dr Shankar, who runs a nursing home in the city, wasbefriended by one of the accused, who requested him to come tohis village in Haryana to treat his ailing father, policesaid.

However, Shankar was held hostage on Feb 11 once he reachedHodal taluk in Haryana and a four-member gang demanded aransom of Rs 50 lakh for his release, police said.

Irshad had also told Shankar that he had stumbled upon goldbiscuits while demolishing his old house and wanted him topurchase the treasure, police said.

Acting on a complaint from Suresh, the brother of theabducted doctor, a police team was sent to Hodal, from wherethe kidnappers were making calls for ransom from their mobile.

On Feb 12, Suresh was asked to deliver the cash at a placealong the Mathura-Hodal road and when the culprits arrived onthe scene, the joint police team tried to take them intocustody, police said.

However, the gang opened fire to escape from the police,but the latter returned the fire and managed to nab them, theysaid.

While three of the four-member gang - Irshad (20), Javed(22) and Shabbir (30) were arrested, the fourth accused is atlarge and efforts are on to nab him.